Yoga Heights

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#WCW: New Products Come to Yoga Heights!

This week, Yoga Heights is excited to announce new partnerships with two local, women-owned businesses! Starting now, you can findAunt Flowtampons and RICHbars in both Yoga Heights locations. Can you say Women Crush Wednesday #WCW?! Keep reading for a bit of information on both businesses, and the wonderful women behind the products!

 First up.... Aunt Flow!

Who is Aunt Flow?

Aunt Flow is a rad feminist company who ensures that everyone has free access to necessary menstrual products. Aunt Flow manufactures and sells 100% organic cotton menstrual products to businesses and schools, so they can provide them for free in the bathroom. Toilet paper is offered for free, why aren’t tampons?®

So what does this mean for YOU?! Yoga Heights will now be offering Aunt Flow 100% organic cotton non-applicator tampons in the bathrooms so that teachers, students, and guests of the studios have access. You'll never miss a pose!

Why does it matter?

If you are a menstruator, then you have most likely had the not-so-fun experience of starting or having your period in a public place. Your period may have caught you by surprise, or maybe you just used your last pad. Either way – your personal life is about to become very public without the proper products.

Out of the 87% of women who reportedly started their periods in public without the supplies they needed, 72% left immediately to get supplies. That means over half of the population is at risk for missing valuable work, social, and personal hours simply because of a natural bodily function. So, when you come in for your favorite yoga class and unexpectedly start your period, you can count on Aunt Flow to get you through.

Why Aunt Flow?

The dedicated to period positivity requires full transparency. Leading menstrual product brands are not required to disclose their ingredients; they can be bleached with chlorine, and contain synthetics, dyes, and chemicals without you even knowing! At Aunt Flow, our menstrual products are 100% organic cotton - because we care about you and what you put into your body.

Aunt Flow products are great for the environment as well. Compared to leading applicator tampons, our non-applicator tampons reduce waste by 58%.As mentioned, leading brands are made with synthetic fibers, which is not eco-friendly. Aunt Flow 100% organic cotton tampons are biodegradable which is better for the earth! Yoga Heights is working to ensure that their teachers and students have what they need while going green! You will soon find Aunt Flow non-applicator tampons in the bathroom. Remember to take only what you need and always consider your fellow menstruators!

At the end of the day, our mission is to make sure you have the best experience possible – in the bathroom and beyond! ALSO: For every 10 menstrual products Aunt Flow sells, 1 product is donated back to a menstruator in need! It’s simple: People helping people. Period.®

Written by Aunt Flow Advocate: Jessica Leeds Richman

Now learn about...RICHbars

Who is behind the magic of RICHbars, and how did the company get started?My name is Polina and I am the founder of RICHbars.When I used to be a kid my mother preferred to treat us with an orange instead of a cookie, a handful of cashews instead of a candy.  We never thought that we hadn’t had a dessert, because we had one! Growing up, I've learnt that not everyone sees fruits and nuts the same way. Indeed, for most people they are boring snacks rather than delicious treats.Therefore, I've created RICHbars to show that with nuts and fruits you can have fun and indulge yourself while eating healthy.What makes RICHbars so good?RICHbars was started to create an example of no sugar added, nutritious, at the same time delicious and Instagram-worthy treat, that people can enjoy without sacrificing their health.  RICHbars are a great gourmet alternative to people who follow a paleo, vegan, or simply healthy sugar and preservative free diet.Why do RICHbars make a great post-yoga snack?Handmade in D.C. with real ingredients and without any preservatives RICHbars are a great fit for those who seek the balance and harmony of healthy body and mind, while playing a positive role in their community!Written by Polina, Founder of RICHbars