Yoga Heights

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Student Spotlight: Bethany VanderSluis

Yoga Heights is made up of students who are fascinating people.  We are excited to introduce you to them one by one via the blog! Meet Bethany.  She has taken more than 400 classes at Yoga Heights since her first visit in September 2015.  Bethany also graduated from the Yoga Heights Yoga Teacher Training last May and she is our newest addition to our teaching team! Student Spotlight: Bethany VanderSluis Yoga Heights: Why do you practice yoga?Bethany:To challenge myself mentally and physically. The challenge always depends on the day, is it the challenge of calming down my mind or tuning into my body or to try something new and not be afraid to fall on my face.  YH: Tell us about your first experience at Yoga Heights. B: My first class was fusion flow with Amy and it kicked my butt! YH: What classes do you go to at YH and why?B: I mostly go to 4:30 classes. The teachers are great and the class are right after I get out of work. I also love Rocket and take it on Sunday nights to push my myself in my practice.  YH: What do you do when you're not on the mat? B: Working as a social worker in DCPS, gardening, cooking, and hanging out with my friends and family.  YH: Where did you grow up?B: Grand Rapids, MI YH: What neighborhood do you live in now? B: I have live in Petworth for three years. Make sure to say hi to Bethany if you see her in the studio.  She’s usually one of the students with a great big smile on her face up toward the front of the room!